About Mastercard NetsUnion

About Mastercard NetsUnion

Company Profile

Mastercard NetsUnion Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was established in Beijing on March 6, 2019 as a joint venture between Mastercard and NetsUnion Clearing Corporation (NUCC) with registered capital of RMB 1 billion.

On November 17, 2023, Mastercard NetsUnion received formal approval from the People’s Bank of China to commence domestic bankcard clearing activity in China.

On May 9, 2024, Mastercard NetsUnion announced commencement of its official operations.

By combining the strength of Mastercard’s extensive global network and world-leading payment technology with NUCC’s rich local knowhow and its well-established infrastructure, Mastercard NetsUnion was built on the basis of win-win cooperation. The Mastercard-branded cards introduced by Mastercard NetsUnion and issuing banks in China can be used at more than 130 million merchant locations worldwide. Mastercard NetsUnion is dedicated to principals of integrity and innovation and is constantly improving its products and services to bring safe, convenient, digital-first payment experiences to consumers.

Learn more, on the Mastercard official website

Company History

Company History
  • May 2024

    May 9, 2024: Mastercard NetsUnion commences official operations.

    Grand opening
  • November 2023

    November 17, 2023: Mastercard NetsUnion received formal approval from the People’s Bank of China to commence domestic bankcard clearing activity in China.

  • March 2019

    March 6, 2019: Mastercard NetsUnion is established in Beijing.

    Company establishment